Start Thinking About How You’re Thinking

Cover of Zig Ziglar I’ve been trying a little experiment lately. I’ve been monitoring my thinking both for negative output (what I think and say) and input (what I read, watch and listen to). There is a whole field of psychology dedicated to our internal...

My Experiment – Reading Faster

One of my goals in the past few months has been to read faster. There is so much information out there to be absorbed, so much to learn. I set a goal for myself to read three business books per month. I failed. My solution is to increase my reading speed. I found this...

I Can’t Help You, Figure it Out!

I’m almost done reading Wisemans’s book “Multipliers”. In the seventh chapter, the author talks about how certain leaders invest in their people. I know I should be investing in my people, but how? According to Wiseman, it’s very similar to how venture capitalists...