There is only one way to improve – you have to measure your performance to some standard. You need a feedback loop. I use a daily feedback loop that helps me continue to move in the right direction. I ask myself the following 4 questions at the end of each day.

Feedback loop Feedback loop (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

#1. Did I give 100% today

My son plays lacrosse and at the start of every practice the team needs to do a couple laps around the field. My son hates running and typically ends up last. I ask him to look me in the eye and tell me if he gave 100%. The answer is usually no. He can run. He has no injuries. He just doesn’t want to do it. If you’re honest with yourself, there are days when you “mail it” in. For whatever reason, you give 80% or 50% or whatever the number. It’s important to be honest and investigate the WHY. What are the triggers that cause you to lose motivation? There are just some things you need to power through and still give 100% even when you don’t enjoy them. That’s how you get better. So at the end of each day ask yourself this question. Did I give it 100%? If not, be honest with yourself, figure out why and determine to give it 100% tomorrow. Don’t give yourself a pass.

# 2. Did I have the right attitude today?

Everyone wakes up on the wrong side of the bed from time to time, but how do you keep that from affecting your interactions with people and overall performance? It’s probably a good idea to check your attitude BEFORE you get into work. A bad attitude can put everything you deal with in a negative light. It can distort your decision making and de-motivate your staff. Put this feedback loop in place, and then seek to determine the “WHY”. What is causing the negative attitude? Not enough sleep, bad habits, stress, not eating right etc. Once you’ve figured out the WHY, work to put checks and balances in your life to prevent a negative attitude from forming and provide you with a strategy to deal with a negative attitude once it’s formed. Have an accountability partner that will help speak into your life and bring the right perspective.

#3 Was I teachable today?

I’ve written about teachability before. It is really a state of mind (much like attitude). It’s realizing that you don’t know everything and that every circumstance in life can teach you something. The fact is, you’re going to make mistakes. Being teachable allows you to learn from those mistakes and build the wisdom necessary to grow and make better decisions in the future. If you apply this concept to your life, you CANNOT lose. You will literally extract all you can out every circumstance. I have the benefit of having a few folks I can go to and ask questions about business. People that have, “been there and done that”. You should look for mentors and coaches in your life. At the end of the day, ask yourself, “was I teachable today”? If not, decide to be teachable tomorrow.

#4 What Was God Trying to Teach Me Today?

This point is sort of point #3a but I thought it deserved it’s own section. Everyday God has a lesson to teach us if we listen. Did you react to a situation in a way that you shouldn’t have. I see themes emerge when I begin asking this question. For example, I looked back at Q1 and asked myself what did Q1 teach me about my business? The answer was, I got distracted and missed a key priority that I shouldn’t have missed. That realization will help me not make the same mistake again. Seek to find out what each day is trying to teach you. Write it down, start journaling your experiences.

Having this simple feedback loop going in your life is critical for helping you grow in Christ and be the best you can be.

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