Over the past 21 days, we’ve been discussing strategy. 

In our last post, we shared how sharing both your vision and strategy is key if you want employees to be engaged.

We’ve said that strategy, at its core, involves choosing different activities or performing activities differently than your competitions.

In speaking with a client recently about their strategy, we decided that there were no “big” strategic moves that they wanted to make. There is a high barrier to entry into their business so there are only a few competitors. Because of this, they decided to focus on improving their operational effectiveness. Together we selected a couple of internal processes that needed work.  

This is ok. Deciding which areas to focus on that can increase your profitability and add even more value to the customer. Your strategy doesn’t need to be a huge move. You may not need to offer a new product or service, just improve what you are currently doing.  

Need help with your strategy? Contact Us.