Intervention (TV series) Intervention (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


I’ve been thinking a lot about change lately.

Our mission at Envisionable is help small businesses realize their true potential.

This supposes something simple. Our customers want to realize thier true potential.

The simple truth is; every business must change.

Businesses that stagnate and don’t grow slowly die. The key is to clearly understand what needs to change. What is blocking your business from realizing its true potential. That’s the first step and often the hardest.


I know I’ve written about this before, but most people are resistant to change. They fear it. Some people get sucked into negative cycles (me included) and aren’t honest enough with themselves to realize what their problems are.

Change suggests you’re moving from one state to another

A stark example of this is the T.V. show intervention. The main character in each episode has some addictive disorder. The hour long program follows them around and culminates in the “intervention” where their friends and family trys to get the addict to go to treatment – to change.

What I find so compelling about the program is that the addict is so blind to their need to change. It literally takes a group of folks in a room pouring their hearts out and setting ultimatums to get the addict to agree to get help.

Now back to your business.

Do you have a clear understanding of your business’ weaknesses? Is it your people, your processes, your tools, the market etc. Have you taken a hard look in the mirror? Have people been trying to tell you that you need to change and are you ignoring it hoping that one day it will magically get better? Do you even know what’s wrong? Are you confused?

I talk about teachability quite a bit.

I believe it’s one of, if not the most important ingredient in success. No one knows everything and often we can be blind to the truths around us. Teachability allows us to have the right mindset to accept new information which will eliminate blind spots.

The last scene in Intervention is when the interventionist asks, “Are you willing to accept the help we’re offering to you today?”

I challenge you to have your eyes open to folks around you that may be asking the same thing.

Does your business need an intervention. We’re happy to help drive the change you need.

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